Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Common Exams are a series of comprehensive exams that students are required to take to complete certain courses at NJIT.
They are referred to as "Common Exams" because all the students in the following classes are required to take them:
- Chemistry 121, 122, 125, 126
- CS 100, 113, 280
- Math 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 213, 222
- Math 107, 211, 333, 337
- Mech 234, 235
- Physics 102, 103, 111, 121, 122, 234
- Me 215
- Bme 210
In an effort to effectively study for common exams, students should review material prior, to and after each class session for a period of about 15-30 minutes.
This method along with other designated study times has previously resulted in a dramatic increase of Common Exam scores, unlike the cramming an obscene amount of information the night before method.
Withdrawing from a class may be appropriate for certain situations but it is not recommended as a viable solution to not doing well in a course.
Students typically think about withdrawing for the following reasons:
- Lack of time to study
- Poor Performance
- Personal/Family reasons which make concentrating difficult
Each semester, students who wish to withdraw must adhere to the specified deadline. If a student has withdrawn from a course a "W" will appear on his/her academic transcript near the course and there will be no grade counted toward their GPA.
Withdrawing can affect scholarships and any financial aid you receive so please speak to an advisor prior to withdrawing.
Students can view the classes they need by logging into Highlander Pipeline and clicking on the "Student" tab.
Once you’ve clicked the student tab, proceed by clicking on the Banner Student Self-Service tab and then Degree Works. You can also ask your academic advisor for your major curriculum sheet.
To change one’s major; you must consult with your current and new academic advisor for approval.
The Office of the Registrar has developed a new, automated process for students wishing to declare or change their major, minor, or concentration. This process replaces the prior PDF forms used.
This request to change or declare a major, minor, or concentration will be submitted to the academic department. Notification will arrive at students by email of the department’s decision, and the Registrar’s Office will subsequently process requests. This may take at least five business days.
Please note that if you are first-time freshmen or a first-time transfer in your first term at NJIT you will not be able to declare or change your major until the end of your first term when all final course grades are in.
Information on Application to Change Major/Minor/Concentration form
Major Change Workflow Student Guide
Major/Minor/Concentration Change FAQ
Application to Change Major/Minor/Concentration Form can be accessed through Highlander Pipeline
You can declare a minor at anytime. However, a good time to establish a double major or a minor would be during your Sophomore year.
The requirements differ with each department, therefore you should visit both your current academic advisor and visit the academic advisor of the department you want to get your second major or minor with.
Math Tutoring: The Math Tutoring Center is located in the Central King Building. Due to COVID-19, the Math Tutoring Center will be operating remotely:
Writing Center: The Writing Center is located in the Central King Building. Due to COVID-19, the Writing Center will be operating remotely:
Physics Tutoring Center: The Physics Tutoring Center is located in the Central King Building. Due to COVID-19, the Physics Tutoring Center will be operating remotely:
Chemistry Learning Center: The Chemistry Learning Center is located in the Central King Building. Due to COVID-19, the Chemistry Learning Center will be operating remotely:
CS Tutoring(ACM): The CS Tutoring (ACM) is located in the GITC. Due to COVID-19, the NJIT ACM tutoring will be operating remotely:
They assist students both in the classroom and beyond by providing tutorial services, academic coaching, academic and personal enrichment workshops and staff and peer support so students can meet the demands of their coursework and are prepared for life after graduation.
They are located in Central King Building (CKB) Room G-22. Due to COVID-19, The Learning Center will be operating remotely:
The Robert W Van Houten Library is located in the Central Avenue Building right across the street from the Campus Center.
The Career Development Service Office, located on the second floor of Fenster Hall, can assist with drafting resumes, mock interviews, and exploring internship opportunities. Due to COVID-19, the Career Development Service Office will be operating remotely:
Students need to take more than 12 credits per semester to be considered a full-time student.
You can view the amount of credits you currently have on your Highlander Pipeline account, by clicking on the Student services tab, and then by clicking on Banner Student Self-Service and then "Degree Works."
You will need to complete the "Approval for Undergraduate Courses at Other Colleges" form, found on the Registrar's webpage under "Forms" and have the department the class falls under approve and sign the form then bring the completed form to the office of the Registrar.
Some club/organizations you will be able to join right away and others will require you to complete a semester at NJIT and also meet the GPA requirement.
For students currently attending NJIT, you will need to be a full-time student, have a GPA of at least a 3.5 and must have at least 4 semesters remaining to complete the degree.
For more details about requirements and the application process visit their webpage
B.S. - M.S. and B.S. - Ph.D. Criteria:
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better for the BS-MS program option
- Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better for the BS-PhD program option
- Junior standing or at least full time semesters (24 credits) left before graduation
- Completed at least five (5) major courses
If you are a currently enrolled student at NJIT, your assigned academic advisor can be found on your account. If you are a prospective student or a student looking to return to NJIT, please contact the Office of Admissions -
For transfer student orientation information: